How do you get bed bugs in the first place ?


Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They can infect any place where people sleep or rest, such as homes, hotels, and dormitories.

Travelling: Bed bugs are excellent floater and can cling onto your luggage, clothes, or even your shoes while you travel. If you stay in a hotel or motel with a bed bug infestation, it’s easy to bring them back home with you.

Second-hand furniture: They can come from other infested areas or from used furniture. They can hitch a ride in luggage, purses, backpacks, or other items placed on soft or upholstered surfaces.

Visitors: Bed bugs can hitch a ride on your guests’ clothes or luggage when they visit your home. If they’ve been staying in a hotel with bed bugs, they can bring them into your home.

Transportation: Bed bugs can also be found on buses, trains, and aeroplanes. If you sit in a seat that has bed bugs, they can easily crawl onto your clothing or luggage.

Neighbours: Bed bugs can travel between apartments or condos through wall voids, electrical outlets, and heating ducts. If your neighbours have bed bugs, it’s possible for them to spread to your home.

To prevent bed bugs, it’s important to inspect any used furniture before bringing it into your home, check your hotel room for bed bugs before unpacking, and regularly inspect your home for signs of infestation. If you suspect you have bed bugs, contact a professional exterminator for treatment.

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