Does Permethrin kill Bed Bugs?


Permethrin is a type of insecticide made from chrysanthemum flowers. It quickly kills insects, like bed bugs, by messing with their nervous systems. To control bed bugs, permethrin is often used with other insecticides and growth regulators. Together, they make a plan to get rid of the bugs.

Several factors affect how well permethrin can kill bed bugs, like how strong the insecticide is, how long it’s left on, and what kind of bed bug is being targeted. Permethrin works best when it’s combined with other methods to control bed bugs, such as vacuuming, steam cleaning, and traps.

Studies have found that permethrin is good at killing bed bugs, especially when it’s put right on the bugs or eggs. One study put bed bugs on fabric that had permethrin on it for four hours and all of the bugs died. Another study found that permethrin could kill bed bugs even up to 14 days after it was used.

Bed bugs that are only somewhat resistant to pyrethroids are easily killed by permethrin in Active Guard fabric. However, bed bugs that are highly resistant to pyrethroids may need to touch the ActiveGuard fabric for a long time before they die.

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