Does Ortho Home Defence Kill Bed Bugs?


No, Ortho Home defense is not effective.

Ortho Home Defense is a brand of insecticide that is used against a variety of household pests, including bed bugs. The product contains a synthetic insecticide called bifenthrin, which is design to kill insects by disrupting their nervous systems. While Ortho Home Defense may be effective against some insects, it is not an effective method for eliminating bed bugs.

Bed bugs have become resistant to many insecticides, including bifenthrin. This means that even if Ortho Home Defense is effective against other insects, it may not be effective in eliminating bed bugs.In fact, some studies have found that bed bugs can survive exposure to bifenthrin and other insecticides for several weeks or even months.

Furthermore, using Ortho Home Defense to kill bed bugs can be dangerous. The Ortho Home Defense Dual Action Bed Bug Killer is a product that can help eliminate bed bugs. However, it contains chemicals that can be harmful to people and pets if not used carefully. It is crucial to follow the instructions on the label and wear protective gear like gloves and a mask when using it. This product not only kills bed bugs and their eggs, but it also provides protection for up to two weeks after use.

If you are experiencing a bed bug infestation, it is best to contact a professional pest control company. They have the proper tools and expertise to safely and effectively eliminate bed bugs. They may use a combination of methods, including heat treatment, pesticides, and other techniques, to eliminate bed bugs at all life stages.

Advantage of Heat Treatment Method

Heat treatment is a method that many people use to get rid of bed bugs. This method involves raising the temperature of an infested area to a level that can kill bed bugs. Heat treatment is effective because it can eliminate both bed bugs and their eggs. It is also better than using chemicals because it is safe for people and the environment.

Heat treatment does not leave any harmful chemicals behind and is safe to use in homes and hotels. Another advantage of heat treatment is that it can kill bed bugs at all stages of life, including their eggs. This is important because bed bug eggs are often resistant to chemicals that are used to kill adult bed bugs.

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