Does cold kill bed bugs?

Yes, freezing temperature can kill bed bugs.

The most effective way to kill bed bugs with cold is to use freezing temperatures. Did you know that bed bugs can’t survive in temperatures below 0 degrees Fahrenheit? If they are exposed to these cold temperatures for a long time, they will die.

But, it’s important to note that the temperature needs to remain below freezing for several days to be effective. Bed bugs have a special ability called diapause that helps them survive in tough conditions for a long time. It’s like they go into a deep sleep and can stay that way until things get better.

Another way to use cold to kill bed bugs is, by placing infested items in a freezer. This is an effective method for killing bed bugs on small items such as clothing, bedding, and pillows.

Yet, it’s important to note that the freezer must maintain a temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower for at least four days to kill all stages of bed bugs, including eggs. Some other methods such as heat treatment, steam treatment, and chemical treatments may be more effective to avoid bed bug infestations.

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