Yes, they can live outdoors Just not for long.
Bed bugs like to be inside homes, but sometimes they can be found outside. If they’re outside for too long, they will die. But if they get close to your home, they’ll try to get inside and stay there. So it’s important to keep an eye out for them both inside and outside!
Bed bugs are typically found in indoor environments where they have easy access to their preferred food source – human blood. They can also infest places where people or animals frequently gather, such as schools, movie theaters, and hospitals. However, bed bugs can live outside in certain conditions.
If you live in a warm place where it doesn’t get too cold, you might see more bed bugs outside. They like warm weather and can survive all year in those kinds of places. So make sure to keep an eye out for them if you live in a warm area.
They may also be found in areas where people sleep or gather outside, such as campsites, homeless encampments, and outdoor concerts. Bed bugs can hide in outdoor furniture, tents, and other outdoor gear, making it easy for them to hitchhike and spread to new locations.