Can Alcohol Kill Bed Bugs?


Yes, alcohol can kill bed bugs on contact.

But it is not an effective method of bed bug control on its own. Lab studies show that rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) can kill bed bugs. However, using it effectively to kill bed bugs in a real-world setting can be challenging.

Even when rubbing alcohol kills bed bugs, it only kills the ones that are visible — that does not include those that may still be hiding in your mattress, or their eggs. So the odds of rubbing alcohol actually eliminating a bed bug infestation are pretty slim

It’s important to be careful when using alcohol to control bed bugs. Alcohol can be flammable and damage certain materials. It’s not enough to rely on alcohol alone to get rid of bed bugs. To completely remove bed bugs from your home, it’s best to hire a professional pest control service for more effective and comprehensive treatments.

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